Giving Back

One dollar from every candle sold will be donated to a mental health charity.

Mental health is one of the most important causes of our time. 

Every year 1.6 million people in Canada report not getting the help they need to support their own mental health. Even before the pandemic, our mental health care system was struggling to help everyone that needed it. With the pandemic the needs for quality mental health support is rapidly increasing. 

 Mental Health Facts:

-One in five Canadians will experience a mental health issue in any given year.

-By age 40, about 50% of the population will have or have had a mental illness.

-If people reach 90 years of age and older, about 65% of men and almost 70% of women will have or have had a mental illness in their lifetime. 

-Mental illness indirectly affects everyone at some time either through their own experience, or that of a family member, friend or colleague.

 Why donate money:

-Mental illness affects people of all ages, education, income levels, and cultures; however, systemic inequalities like racism, poverty, homelessness, discrimination, colonial and gender-based violence, among others, can worsen mental health and symptoms of mental illness, especially if mental health supports are unavailable or difficult to access.

-The increasing attention to mental health in Canada provides good examples of how too many people in Canada are not receiving the services and programs that we know can improve the quality of their lives, reduce the limitations imposed by their illnesses, or even help prevent certain mental health problems and illnesses from developing into larger problems.

-There is strong evidence that investing in effective programs can make a difference to the economy and to the health of the population

 Our personal connection:

Both of us have been open about experiencing mental health struggles, and we also have a history of mental illness in our family so this is a cause that is personal and close to our heart. We have been lucky to be able to access different levels of mental health care, but we know that not everyone is as fortunate as we have been. And we would like to help.

 Although our main focus within our brand will be on mental health awareness, we also plan to support and empower other women, small business owners, and other charities close to our hearts. After all, mental health problems can affect many other aspects of people's lives as well.

 Thank you so much for supporting us and the causes that mean the most to us.

 -The Saltine Sisters

 If you or someone you know is in immediate crisis or has suicide-related concerns, call or text:

 The Canada Suicide Prevention Hotline

1-833-456-4566 (24/7) 
1-866-277-3553 in Quebec (24/7)

Or in the United States Call:

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


